samedi 19 mai 2018

Before You Respond To An Old English Sheepdogs For Sale Sign

By Angela Hall

Right not as you read this you are probably in the market for a new pet or even a replacement one. Your interest might have been piqued somewhat when you saw an old English Sheepdogs for sale sign. As such you want to go and visit the seller right away and buy one, but before you do, it might be best to read this article first and find out more about this breed.

This dog breed is one that has been classified as a herding breed by dog societies everywhere. This is because it was really first used as a herding dog in the countryside. Although the herding traits have been bred out of most generations, you may get one that will exhibit herding behavior when it gets around small children or other pets. They will herd them by circling around them and pushing and nipping at them.

Although they are big and can make adequate watchdogs due to their deep and ringing bark, they are by no means guard dogs at all. In fact they are very polite to strangers, and at times they will exhibit timidity and skittishness also. So if you want a big dog for guarding, this breed is not it.

These are also extremely playful dogs, especially when they are younger. And given their size and rambunctiousness, it is only fit that they are also given the adequate space that they require. If trapped in smaller spaces they can be quite destructive and maybe even restless. This breed also requires at least one hour of outdoor exercise at the minimum.

These dogs are also very strong willed and may exhibit a bit of alpha dog behavior. Thus it will require a strong willed master as well and not one who is timid. Thus you have to be confident and have a strong will also to be able to make this dog obey you. If you lack these very confident traits, then it may be hard to control this dog for you.

It is a very furry and shaggy dog, and will require a lot of grooming and clipping. The fur will be prone to having debris stuck to it, especially under the chin area as it is a dog that drools a lot. Be forewarned also as it is also a dog that is prone to flatulence.

Negative personality traits can usually be avoided if you choose the right adult, as traits can be seen outright. If you want to start from scratch and choose a puppy, then it is best that you get from a reputable breeder and seller. On top of this, you should train them also when young so as at least you can somewhat mold their personality development as much as possible to how you would want.

Health problems that will come out with this breed is mostly related to its thick coat of fur. It will require a lot of grooming and clipping, and brushing on a daily basis. Proper coat maintenance is also required during hot weather so that the dog can cool off properly. Likewise, hair around its eyes should be trimmed off so as to give it better vision and prevent eye infections as well.

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