dimanche 3 mai 2015

Portable And Easy To Enjoy Screen Doors Do Work

By Shoshana Upp

All bugs or insects can be annoying because they often bite, sting, or simply swarm around you when you are outside. However, they are more annoying if these insects make it into your home to annoy you while you are relaxing. If you put up a portable bug screen door you can lessen the chance that bugs will come inside to annoy you. It will also allow you to get a breeze inside your home no matter how damaged your other screens are.

Gnats, mosquitos, moths, flies, and more can creep into a home through screens that have larger holes than they should and doors that do not close properly. They will sneak in on you while you are cooking, sleeping, eating, and trying to relax. No one wants to be bugged while they are trying to rest. Bugs belong outside. If you could possibly find a better way to keep them at bay, would you take advantage of it? Most people would gladly jump on any chance they had to eliminate the bugs inside.

Imagine a breeze that can come through any doorway within your home. Now, picture in your mind a screen door that will block bugs that creep and crawl or fly. That is what you get with a very portable bug screen door. It works on any door at any time. You can even use it on your RV door, shed door, or any other exterior door of your home or a friends. Open it as often as you want throughout the years and it will always work the way it should work thanks to magnets that are strategically placed.

Keeping bugs out of a home is a simple idea that is not always easy to achieve. The portable bug screen door can help much more efficiently than a traditional metal or wood framed screen door. Older style screen doors often have a spring that makes it nearly impossible to get through if you have your hands full of groceries or other items, that is, unless you open it much further than normal to allow yourself time to get through it. This is an easy access hole for bugs to get inside. Not to mention how someone with arthritis in their hands may have to have help working the thumb press latches to get inside the home. Who wants to handle that?

How would you like to be able to simply walk through a door that keeps bugs out instead of struggle to get through it? The portable bug screen door can make it possible. It is screen and magnets. All you have to do is walk up to it and walk through it. The magnets separate to allow the mesh screen to open when you want to get through it and then it drops back closed after you are through where the magnets catch once again. It is hands free and you cannot get any easier. Bugs will have no time to get through the open door with you.

The screen doors and magnets are ideal as pet doors for your beloved pets. You will no longer have to get up to let them outside. Kids can use them easily to get out into their fenced in play areas and you can enjoy your time indoors without all the bugs that normally plague homes during certain times of the year. What's not to love about that?

Screens with magnets is not a new concept, but the new portable bug screen doors are. Older styles were not portable and they contained wires or other things that may get damaged after a while. The new and improved screens have no parts that may get damaged by time or by excessive use. Even if a child wants to play with magnets on the screen, it will not get messed up.

Life is too short to worry about bugs coming inside your home all the time. Relax a little with the new portable screen door. It has no wires to bend and the magnets will always connect the right way to ensure that bugs stay outside of your home. Pets, kids, and you can use it or move it and never have to worry about it failing you. Stop allowing annoying bugs where they do not belong. You will quickly discover that you enjoy the indoors and relaxing with your family a whole lot more.

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